The Holy Trinity

Better than God. Three Gods.


Musicographical Beatomatic

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usMusic has the power to change the world. Every once in a while, an album comes along that changes everything, for better or for worse. Revolver. Never Mind The Bollocks. Doolittle. Nevermind. Wingspan: The Best of Paul McCartney & Wings. Today sees the release of another world-changer. Today sees the release of Musicographical Beatomatic.

Over one month in the making, Musicographical Beatomatic promises to do for music what wheels did for cars. What cheese did for cheese sandwiches. What bears did for bear fighting. You are about to download the greatest EP in the history of the world. I know you are, because it is destiny. Nobody can avoid the powerful pull. You will download it, and it will change your life.

Use this links to download the best things you will ever have on your computer. (Right click, save as)

The songs on this album are:
1. Josh You Are (with Mr. Christopher Dunne)
2. Mean Ol' Chris
3. Meditation Song
4. Robert Stamper
5. Robert Stamper (Passion Mix)
and if you like you can read the lyrics to them here. Then I guess you could learn to sing along, although obviously you could never match my own incredible vocal displays.

If you are not downloading the EP right now, I suggest you scroll back up a bit and start the download right away because you are wasting valuable 'listening to Matt's fantastic songs' time. In fact I don't even know why I'm writing so much here. Well there you go, I guess I'm providing good value if nothing else. I'm watching CSI: Miami while I'm writing this so I'm not really giving it my full attention. Horatio certainly knows how to ask questions about stuff and then solve a murder. Can you think of any more TV shows that feature a person with ginger hair as the hero? I certainly cannot.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usHOLY CRAP they're having a cool boat chase! They've got one of those fucking boats with the huge fan on the back and they're chasing a man all over the place! FUCKING SHOOT HIM HORATIO! This is awesome. I would love one of those cool fan-boats. There's a helicopter too, it's rotor-city. Whoa there's a big fire or something, this is crazy. LOOK OUT FOR THE FIRE! He's running away! Oh wait the fire is in the way, HAHAHAHA! "There's nowhere to go, put that weapon down right now!" says Horatio. This is fantastic. OH MY LORD he ran into the fire! No way is he going to make it out of there alive. What a stupid thing to do. They never go after clever people on this show. Yep, he died in the fire. That's not even a nice way to go, why not just shoot yourself? Well that was really exciting but I guess it had nothing to do with Musicographical Beatomatic. Hopefully by now you can go and listen to it and I won't have to waste time like this anymore.

OK so please download the music if you haven't already and also blah blah blah thanks a lot. All of the songs are inspired by people I have met at university, so if you want to pretend you know people then maybe this is a good thing to download.